Friday, September 01, 2006

Bellingham to Byrness, more trees

a search for a latte fails
but compedes are found
a kind American chemist opens early for sore feet
custard tart
nescafe nastiness

black hands to start the day
remember memory drawing carried through the walk
up up up
more moor more moor moor
sweet smell of heather
purple hill sides

through the farm
horses munching
we went across a road
down and up
along the top
and then across more moor
up again
down slightly to a cattle grid
ahead of the book (recommended times) - unusual for the ambler's society we have formed
for lunch
a windy spot with bees
more memory drawings

back up and back down
a bog on a 1 in 3 gradient
across the top
welcome to Redesdale forest
the military look is back in fashion again
follow PW sign
a tangent through thistle parallel to the forest track
we march down the track
a forestry commission vehicle stirs up the dust
a long road, take me home
not to west virginia
but to a mountain high
then I'll know where I belong
we end up at a picnic bench
early, again
public toilets
no toilet paper, no toilet paper, no toilet paper
is the feedback
we wait for Glyn in the midges
he testing his suspension on forestry drive
over taken by off road vehicles
he's taking too long we go

in the first and last cafe/garage in England
correction - machine cafe au lait
but it was sooooooooo good
down the road to Byrness YHA
a small council estate
the last settlement in England
Glyn finally arrives
with the road in his bones
still vibrating

memory drawings into the night
this place is empty
we all get to sleep in separate rooms
another YHA bites the dust


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